Track resources are available encoded as zipped shapefile and as comma-separated-values (CSV). To request the content in either of the formats you have to (a) set the appropriate Accept
header, or (b) use the "file extension" in the URL.
Note that the shapefile export currently is limited to tracks consisting of less than 500 measurements. If you want to export larger tracks, please contact us or visit the enviroCar forum.
To get a track as zipped shapefile:
curl -H "Accept: application/x-zipped-shp" > /tmp/
curl > /tmp/
After unzipping, six files should be present, e.g.:
You can now add the shapefile to your favorite GIS, e.g. ArcMap:
Click on the "Add data" button:
Select the downloaded shapefile and add it to the map:
Note that the phenomenon names are truncated as the shapefile specification only allows ten characters for field names.
To get a track as CSV:
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" > /tmp/track.txt
curl > /tmp/track.txt
Excerpt from the CSV file:
id; Intake Temperature(c); O2 Lambda Voltage ER(ratio); Throttle Position(%); GPS VDOP(precision); Long-Term Fuel Trim 1(%); CO2(kg/h); O2 Lambda Voltage(V); MAF(l/s); GPS HDOP(precision); Rpm(u/min); GPS Accuracy(%); GPS PDOP(precision); Short-Term Fuel Trim 1(%); GPS Altitude(m); GPS Speed(km/h); Engine Load(%); Consumption(l/h); GPS Bearing(deg); Speed(km/h); longitude; latitude; time
537ed45be4b008867f814d4a; 10.0; 1.025390625; 17.0; 1.3; 4.6875; 10.876756549746904; 1.5625; 14.079999923706055; 0.8; 3062.0; 5.0; 1.5; 0.78125; 465.6; 99.9; 47.05882263183594; 4.628407042445491; 232.63999938964844; 99.0; 11.819821055978537; 48.718987656757236; 2014-04-28T20:43:55Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d4c; 10.0; 0.9970703125; 21.0; 1.3; 4.6875; 19.026598447709034; 1.494140625; 24.6299991607666; 0.8; 3236.0; 5.0; 1.5; 1.5625; 463.4; 106.425; 64.31372833251953; 8.096424871365546; 232.47000122070312; 103.0; 11.817952897399664; 48.71804649475962; 2014-04-28T20:44:01Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d4e; 10.0; 0.99609375; 18.0; 1.3; 5.46875; 14.553842057334023; 1.4892578125; 18.84000015258789; 0.8; 3330.0; 5.0; 1.5; -5.46875; 461.1; 106.65; 50.19607925415039; 6.1931242797166055; 231.9499969482422; 107.0; 11.816021371632814; 48.71706790756434; 2014-04-28T20:44:07Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d50; 10.0; 0.9794921875; 16.0; 1.9; 4.6875; 12.599424323779624; 1.40625; 16.309999465942383; 1.0; 3276.0; 5.0; 2.2; 0.0; 458.29999999999995; 106.65; 42.35293960571289; 5.361457159055159; 231.50999450683594; 105.0; 11.814125720411539; 48.71608894318342; 2014-04-28T20:44:13Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d52; 10.0; 0.9931640625; 10.0; 1.9; 5.46875; 11.00035593879009; 1.484375; 14.239999771118164; 1.0; 3344.0; 5.0; 2.2; -3.125; 455.5; 107.10000000000001; 28.235294342041016; 4.681002527144719; 233.7899932861328; 108.0; 11.812202744185925; 48.71509606484324; 2014-04-28T20:44:19Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d54; 10.0; 1.00390625; 10.0; 1.3; 5.46875; 6.890672569551822; 1.4990234375; 8.920000076293945; 0.8; 3295.0; 5.0; 1.5; -0.78125; 452.1; 103.95; 21.960784912109375; 2.932201093426307; 242.67999267578125; 106.0; 11.810170216485858; 48.714268896728754; 2014-04-28T20:44:25Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d56; 10.0; 0.990234375; 10.0; 1.3; 5.46875; 6.4426244159150405; 1.4453125; 8.34000015258789; 0.8; 3185.0; 5.0; 1.5; 1.5625; 449.0; 101.025; 25.098039627075195; 2.741542304644698; 252.63999938964844; 103.0; 11.808027885854244; 48.71370056178421; 2014-04-28T20:44:31Z
537ed45be4b008867f814d58; 10.0; 0.990234375; 20.0; 1.3; 4.6875; 11.77285285702047; 1.46484375; 15.239999771118164; 0.6; 3116.0; 5.0; 1.5; -0.78125; 447.9; 100.125; 61.17647171020508; 5.00972462000871; 261.1600036621094; 100.0; 11.805808106437325; 48.713379870168865; 2014-04-28T20:44:38Z
The features encoded as CSV can also be added to most GIS or used in scripting languages.
Click Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layers...:
In the dialog select Custom delimiters and check Semicolon:
Browse to the CSV file and open it:
The columns, including the ones holding the coordinates (longitude, latitude), should be automatically resolved. If not, please use the setting shown above.
Click ok, you will be prompted to chose a CRS:
Choose WGS84 and click ok, the layer will be added:
In the R environment for statistics computing and graphics, see (, the following two lines suffice to download and import enviroCar CSV data and display a plot which contrasts selected measurement variables.
track = read.csv2("")
plot(subset(track, select = c("Consumption.l.h.", "", "Rpm.u.min.")))
The created plot: